Sunday, June 13, 2010

All Out! An Autobiography by Albert Ellis is released

We are happy to announce that Dr Albert Ellis' much-awaited autobiography has been released. This candid autobiography, the last work by Albert Ellis, is a tour de force of stimulating ideas, colorful descriptions of memorable people and events, and straightforward, no-nonsense talk. Ellis, the creator of the most successful form of psychotherapy—Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)—recounts the memorable episodes of his life; discusses how he coped with emotional problems at different stages of life; and subjects his own self-description to a ruthlessly honest critique.

The book is available through its publisher
Prometheus Books,,,, other online bookstores and bookstores.


Happiness project 3.7beta said...

I love your posts!! Thank you!

Laurel said...

Just received my copy of All Out! I am so excited to begin reading it -- great pictures of Dr. Ellis, including one of him busy writing a book while waiting to get married! I am so impressed by his dedication to get the important REBT message out there! His brilliance was a true gift that has helped many, many people...and continues to do so every day -- in our psychotherapy practices and beyond!

Dr. Michael DeMarco said...

What a great autobiography. I wonder if this gives people a reason to pause, though, before visiting the Institute, since may of the same players are still there and training new therapists in their version of REBT.

At any rate, I loved the book, and refer much of Ellis' original texts to my supervisees and clients.

Hope this site gets some new and updated info very soon!

Dr. Michael DeMarco